Visual Function & Perceptual Assessment

In-depth visual function assessment for children and visual perceptual assessment
Previous studies suggested that over 80% of the information learnt in the classroom was processed through the visual pathways. Inadequacies in the development of visual function (e.g. visual tracking and accommodation dysfunction, binocular inco-ordination) would directly affect children’s ability to learn. Teachers and parents should pay extra attention on the following signs and symptoms:

  • Skip/ repeat words when reading
  • Slow and prone to make error in copying
  • Seeing double vision
  • Experience transient blur or seeing words moving on the page when reading
  • Easily tired and experiencing headache when reading
  • Head tilt/ turn for reading or writing
  • Poor handwriting
  • Covering one eye to see

Receiving the visual information and then being able to process and analyze it effectively is also crucial for learning. This relies on our visual perceptual skills. Common signs and symptoms for children suffering from visual perceptual inadequacy including:

  • Letter reversal (e.g. confusing b, d, p and q)
  • Confusing similar words (e.g. ‘then’ and ‘them’)
  • Difficulties in reading comprehension
  • Difficulties in spelling and dictation

Not everyone with learning difficulties suffer from visual dysfunction, however, there are research suggested that 70-90% of people with specific learning difficulties suffer from various extent of visual problems. If the problem can be identified early, appropriate treatment and learning strategies can be adopted to facilitate learning.